How Can Marriage Counselling Help?

Marriage counsellors can help resolve issues in a relationship irrespective of how long you have been married and the issues you are facing. It is better to seek help from a marriage counsellor before the issues become deep rooted. Marriage counsellors help in resolving issues where the couples want to save the marriage and in cases where they do not want to continue, they can make the separation easy.


How Can Marriage Counselling Help

The couple may not be able to accommodate new responsibilities like taking up a new job or buying a new house. Lack of time to one another and added financial commitment may add stress to their relationship. A marriage counsellor will help wading through this problem easily.


The most difficult aspect in every married couple’s life is communicating with each other.  This is where the differences and conflict arise. Seeking counselling for marital problems in Delhi can teach you varied skills to communicate with your partner. The most popular technique being ‘active listening. This will teach you to listen to your partner attentively, get a clear message, and then reply to give your own message. This will to a great extent avoid misunderstandings and arguments. This method of communication may take longer because you will have to verify the message received before making your own contribution.


Marriage counselling can help to relook at the agreements made at the beginning of the marriage from a different angle. The arrangements would have been made at the prime of the relationship when you were young. You might have agreed to give up your career as there were other priorities to be considered. As your children grew up and became independent you were not comfortable with the stay-at-home arrangement and would want to get back to your career. At this stage it would be difficult to approach the agreement as this would mean balancing family and financial arrangements. This is when counselling for marital problems in Delhi would help. 


Normally marriage counsellors give assignments between sessions to help restore intimacy and help reconnecting. It could be by doing different things like going on a date instead of having dinner at home or even trying out innovative ways of indulging in sexual activity. This may change your perspective of intimacy and help reconnecting.


Counselling can really work if both the partners come with an intention to make the marriage work. The therapist they choose should be qualified and experienced in couple therapy. Couples should complete the assignments given during the sessions with equal earnest. They should be able to accept their faults and be prepared to mend themselves. If any kind of addiction is a reason to their estranged relationship, the addiction should be treated before attending the session. To sum up, positive attitude is the key for any therapy to work.


If you need help please contact Sanjay Kapoor counselling services for counselling for marital problems in Delhi.

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