A step family is a family in which one or both parents have children from a previous relationship. Step families are increasing now days with an increase in rate of divorces and remarriages. Divorce, remarriage and the formation of a step family are the traumatic events for the children and some families too. We can help you to resolve the old hurts and make living in the present easier.

Parenting In step family is not an easy task because some children experience overwhelming feelings like anger, disappointment, sadness, guilt, worry and insecurity from their parent’s remarriage and feels unsetting sense of being disloyal to the natural parent. Find to settle the effective ways with us to build a stable, secure family home together.
Book An AppointmentCouple Relationship
Sometimes couples face the challenges in their remarriages too. When a person moves into a new relationship, there are lots of things which cannot be avoided such as old habits, relations with in laws, finance issues and some other critical issues too. You will find here a safe place to talk to us regarding these disagreements.
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Step Siblings
Finding love after a divorce might mean moving on, but it gets tricky when kids are involved, sometimes they don’t have anything in common aside from the house they live in. Let’s not sugar coat it and help stepsiblings to see the other side as an additional kind of family-not a replacement and bring back the happiness and laughter.
Book An AppointmentCope with other family members
If both remarried partners have kids it means there are more chances that their relationship can get complicated due to the behaviour of other family members, their relation with each other can create challenges and become a source of frustration in the relationship. In Counselling we will help you to find solid grounds to make a relationship better with each other.
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