It is much easier for depression to take over when you are isolated and out of touch with others or not comfortable to discuss your problems. Telling someone how you are feeling is a vital first step in breaking this isolation, so that you can build a network of support.
It can be hard to open up and be honest about how you are really feeling. You may be used to putting on a ‘front’ with others and pretending you are fine. However, this leaves you feeling isolated and alone, which makes things worse. These are some of the ways that talking to someone can make a difference.
We are here to help you
Sometimes life can feel really disturbing and you may not be sure what to do next, or maybe something has been bothering you for a really long time.
We offer you a talk to someone helpdesk where you can talk with us and discuss one to one support, Please feel free to call us at +91 7777-002-800.
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